Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/31/19



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, for the longest time the media, principally CNN, and Rep Adam Schiff told us that then-Candidate Trump knew all about the meeting of Donald Trump Jr. and Paul Manafort with a group of Russians promising dirt on Hillary Clinton. President Trump has maintained that he did not know of any such meeting. Today CNN contradicted these suspicions as it was confirmed that the President was telling the truth all along and that the mysterious calls made by Trump Jr. to blocked numbers both before and after the meeting the Trump team was lured into. While honest Americans, rely on the press to know about their government, the Democrats use this institution to work as an enemy against We The People! Also, the President is right to question the intelligence community. Russia's alliance with China against US interests is a cause for concern. Trump's instincts are spot on. The truth is Trump has been tougher on Iran, Russia, and China than his recent. Later, Senator Warren's comments on capital