Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/30/19



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, we now have a Democrat Party that wants to take the wealth of our citizens and transfer it to others, a Party that wants to destroy private industries, and a Party that embraces and promotes infanticide. This is called fascism! Yesterday, their Marxist ideology was called out by Billionaire Democrats Howard Shultz and Mike Bloomberg denying the idea that free healthcare is the governments sole responsibility. Then we must choose whether we will base our American system on the government as statists or upon our founding documents as constitutionalists. Republican leadership must stop embracing big government and embrace you and I—the American people! Then, where does our morality come from? Should one religion prevail over others, or should we ban religion altogether? No. Its certain that our founders wanted to perpetuate a Judeo-Christian sense of morality and deism. Killing babies is murder and the so-called moderate Governor of Virginia has showed us just how radical he reall