Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/28/19



On Monday's Mark Levin, the media is now turning on their own, attacking Tom Brokaw for saying "Hispanics should work harder at assimilation." instead of criticizing him for his comments on some people not wanting brown grandbabies due to "the intermarriage that is going on and the cultures that are conflicting." But the media and the government all support balkanization because their progressive agenda is rooted in collectivism not individualism and certainly not Americanism. Following the backlash, Brokaw took to twitter to apologize for his statement on assimilation.  Also, the Democrats are proposing the idea of a bill that would prevent the government from ever being shutdown again. This is a terrible idea that flies in the face of the Constitution. President Trump still hasn't ruled out the use of his authority under the National Emergencies Act and has received a favorable determination regarding installing a border barrier to prevent narcotics from entering the country. Later, Sen. Kamala Harris is be