Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/24/19



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, our government has become too damn big! We must never give in to amnesty!  President Trump's shutdown proposal was modest and he must stay the course. In 1986 , as part of the Reagan Administration we saw the Democrats dupe Ronald Reagan, and they duped George Bush in 2006. Also, government workers earn more than most of the private sector and members of congress fly around for free with members of their families while the American people are competing for jobs with illegal aliens.  All we hear about is 800,000 federal employees, it’s as if the rest of America does not exist, as if farmers or truckers don't exist! They’re turning this magnificent country into another European craphole!  Then, the media has compared Trump to Hitler, called him a racist, and questioned his fitness to be president countless times, yet they're never taken to task for their statements.  Hacks in the media like CNN's Jim Acosta and his aptly titled new book "Enemy of The People" and Tommy Christopher