Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/23/19



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is America’s first Fascist! Her Alinsky tactics are literally destroying the long-held tradition of the president speaking before a joint session of Congress to deliver the State of The Union for the first time in history.  She's lying about her concerns over security, and the Democrats and the press have no problem with it! Pelosi's behavior is that of a radical authoritarian fascist.  She's more than willing to allow people to come into this country as they please, and she's defying the will of the people who voted nationally for President of the United States from getting the State of the Union Address as they always have. For all their talk about Vladimir Putin they are acting a lot like him in the Democrat party.  Pelosi has no problem asking for Trump's tax returns and is okay with investigations on his children and his business.  So perhaps the Pelosi's taxes, finances, and businesses as well as their children should be subject to the same scrutiny t