Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/21/19



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Today we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which is a National Holiday and the federal Government is shut down, as it always is on a National Holiday. Nancy Pelosi effectively controls the appropriation process in the house and whether or not the federal government will receive $5.7 Billion for the border wall, but Pelosi just keeps blocking and obstructing the government from re-opening. Yes, the president can use the National Emergencies Act, but this is a rare exception, the reality is that Congress must deliver on appropriations. Therefore, the ball is in Pelosi's court! Then, in response to this program's calls for a leak investigation regarding Friday's BuzzFeed News story—which was challenged by the Special Counsel's statement saying the article was inaccurate— BuzzFeed News reporter Anthony Cormier said he couldn't elaborate because it might prompt a leak investigation. It seems BuzzFeed, Robert Mueller, and The White House heard this program's bombshell analysis in th