Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/18/19



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Breaking news: Special Counsel Mueller's Office debunked claims made by Buzzfeed News that falsely claimed that President Trump encouraged Michael Cohen to lie to Congress. Of course, there was never a scintilla of evidence to support these claims. Yet the only people that would have known about this would be Mueller’s office. So how would this information get to BuzzFeed in the first place? If Mueller's office had not denied the BuzzFeed article's accuracy, then Attorney General Whittaker and Deputy AG Rosenstein would be on the hook to launch a leak investigation, as this program has been calling on them to do. Moreover, Jason Leopold, the author of the article in question, admits to a "checkered past" that includes inaccurate reporting, most notably on the Valerie Plame scandal. Then, Speaker Pelosi says that traveling commercially endangers members of Congress, yet our unsecure southern border is of no consequence. She takes no issue benefitting from the excellent security she