Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/14/19



On Mondays Mark Levin Show, so-called constitutionalistson the Right are pouncing on the president for suggesting the use of the National Emergencies Act. Unconstitutional, illegal and improper are not to be conflated with a difference of opinion. Commentators who suggest otherwise don't understand constitutional conservatism and have never criticized previous presidents who have used the same law. So why the misunderstanding? Congress can still "check" the president by reversing such action with a simple majority. This is not autocratic, unlike DACA which had no statutory basis in law, the president is fully within his rights to do so. In fact, any such action would pale in comparison to President Trump's predecessors' usage of the same Act. Many of these so-called "conservative" commentators are "never-Trumpers" that are doing America a disservice by omitting history and context from their analysis. Then, the New York Times spent the weekend joining the demagoguery and Russian propaganda theorizing on wheth