Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/8/19



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, the Democrats have changed their position on immigration, border security, and protecting American jobs without warning. This radicalization on immigration policy happened over the last decade; prior to that Democrat commentators and politicians supported protecting American workers against the influx of cheaper less skilled labor. Today, they no longer support a physical barrier at the border or the rule of law. Peter Beinart’s article in The Atlantic suggests that Democrats changed their position due to politics, not compassion, in order to harness the powerful growth of American voters of Hispanic descent. Party first, country second. This is a cynical scheme to fundamentally change America at the request of political special interests. Then, Presidential Trump will address the nation tonight regarding the crisis at the border. The National Emergencies of 1974 and other statures dictate what powers the executive branch has at the border. These acts have been used many times by