Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/12/18



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Larry O'Connor from WMAL fills in. Have you noticed the media isn’t talking about Russian collusion while Michael Cohen takes the spotlight for his guilty plea and sentencing earlier today. Despite his admission of guilt, Cohen did not actually break any campaign finance laws. The Southern District of New York is not an expert in campaign finance violations yet the media refuses to question the self-serving memo released by these prosecutors. It's simply not illegal to pay and/or accept money for a non-disclosure agreement. It's completely legal. This whole legal strategy was done for one reason — to get Donald Trump! Using your own money to make private payments is simply not a violation of the law. Then, General Michael Flynn was railroaded and pursued for violating the Logan Act but eventually charged with making a misstatement to the FBI, that the FBI acknowledged was likely an intentional falsehood, which is why Special Counsel Robert Mueller recommended no jail time. Late