Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/5/18



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, President George W. Bush, beautifully eulogized his father President George H.W. Bush. Also, the new attack on President Trump from the Attorney's General of Maryland and Washington, D.C. are based on Article 1 section 9 of the Emoluments Clause which clearly states that Trump cannot accept a title of Nobility or be employed by a foreign government. Upon winning the presidency President Elect Trump relinquished operational control of his business to his sons and put his interest in a trust. The Emoluments clause has nothing to do with foreign dignitaries staying at hotels he owns but does not operate. Yet, that hasn't stopped the subpoenas from being issued. They also charge that Trump’s hotel may also be negatively affecting other DC hotels because of its affiliation with the president. This is bogus and is a perversion of the Emoluments Clause. Then, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has been reckoned a sentence that does not include jail time. Some in the media are erroneously speculat