Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/27/18



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, President Trump should shut down the government over the issue of the migrant caravan attempting to illegally enter the country at the U.S.-Mexico border. The only people who should be concerned about a shutdown are the Democrats. It’s time for a very thoughtful, compelling address to the nation in which the President explains to the American people that the Democrats simply will not help secure the border. And because the Democrats don’t take their equal responsibility of funding seriously he has to force this issue constitutionally and shut down the government. Plus, so many of our kids are leaving college confused and it’s, in part, because of Professor's like Michael Eric Dyson's race-baiting bigotry, and MSNBC has him on the air all the time. It’s these leftist professors that are teaching generation after generation to hate their own country. Later, Robert Mueller is back in the news this time pursuing Jerome Corsi for his alleged ties to Roger Stone and WikiLeaks. The media