Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/22/18



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin. Carl Bernstein and CNN are now suggesting that the media should edit President Trump’s press conferences, rather than airing them live. What Bernstein really wants to say is that because the president is a propagandist and a liar, we in the media have to take the actual news of what he’s saying and edit it and decide what is our view of the news, with our liberal values. This gives you insight into how fools like this think. The problem with the people that populate the media is their ideology, their motivation, and their purpose. The press need to be examined and we need to study what the role of the press has historically been in our nation. They are ideologically driven and are incapable of restraining themselves to simply gather the facts and report the news. Then, Mark's Wikipedia page continues to smear him despite numerous requests for correction. These false attributions and mischaracterizations are proof that the left will use any me