Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/20/18



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, The media is smearing Ivanka Trump attempting to connect her private email use to Hillary Clinton’s use and illegal scrubbing of an email server on which she discussed classified information. You really do have to have a negative IQ to draw that conclusion. Ivanka has not installed an illegal unsecure server in her home like Hillary did and Ivanka didn't delete tens of thousands of emails. What Ivanka did does not compare to what Hillary did. Then, Barack Obama stacked the courts with radicals and left our country worse off than he found it and was proud to focus on "fundamental transformation". He created distrust in many communities and trashed our law enforcement. yet, he gets a pass, his wife gets a pass, and his kids get a pass. Obama was a grave damage to our country, but President Trump gets attacked daily, they go after his wife, and want to see his kids in jail. Obama saved the Iranian regime that kills journalists, women, and gays; paying them off in hard currency. But