Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/9/18



On Friday’s Mark Levin show, Apparently we have a constitutional crisis because President Trump is following the Federal Vacancies Reform Act and temporally appointed Matt Whitaker as acting Attorney General. The Left never seems bothered by the constitutional implications of things like runaway activist courts, a massive, entrenched federal bureaucracy, and President Obama’s efforts to work around Congress and federal law on immigration. Whitaker’s appointment as acting AG does not come close to a constitutional crisis. Also, Robert Mueller, who in effect is the most powerful prosecutor in America, has more power than any US Attorney and yet he hasn't been confirmed by the senate. This is why Mueller's appointment violates the appointments clause under article II of the Constitution. The Congress has no authority to prevent the President from firing any employee in the executive branch. Yet, the media continually refers to this as a "broken glass moment" which is in poor taste given we are upon the 80th anni