Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/8/18



On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, the democrats are trying to steal the Governor and Senate races in Florida, the Governor race in Georgia and the Senate race in Arizona. Those states are cointinuing their ballott counting. Florida law requires counties to report early voting results within 30 minutes after polls close, but Broward and Palm Beach Counties in Florida are still counting and refusing to disclose the number of ballots remaining to be counted. The Republicans not only have to win elections, they have to win them with enough of a buffer that all the cheating that goes on doesn’t affect the outcome. Florida GOP Chairman Blaise Ingoglia calls in to explain what the Republicans are doing to protect the integrity of Florida's elections through this recount process. Later, a retired US Marine suffering from PTSD entered a college bar in California and murdered 12 people including a Sergeant from the Sheriff's Office. Sergeant Ron Helus entered the front door of the bar during the gunfire to stop the shoote