Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/6/18



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, it’s midterm election Day and we're monitoring all of the races live as the polls begin to close. All these races are very close, it looks like hand to hand combat, politically. If enough Levinites get out and vote, we will win! If the Democrats have a good night its more malignant activity, we have a chance to stop that by voting ! CNN's Jake Tapper eludes to the exit polling appearing to be a rebuke of Trump only 15 minutes after the polls in only 6 states have closed. Yet he didn't say that when the Democrats lost 63 house seats in President Obama's first midterm election. If you're tired of being called a racist, today is the day to stop the fascistic left. Lamentably Rep. Barbara Comstock has lost, many races are still too close to call, but it’s not over. The bigoted media is rooting against conservatives; lets beat them Tuesday night! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit