Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/2/18



On Friday’s Mark Levin show, are you sick of being called Nazis? Are you sick of being called racists or a white supremacist? Then you need to vote on Tuesday! We can’t turn any part of this government over to these radical, hardcore Democrats and their mouthpieces in the media. There are 37 congressional races listed as "toss-up's" in the midterm elections. So they're in play, and If Republicans don't show up and vote we would be surrendering Republican seats in the US House of Representatives!  Then, people need to come to the United States in an orderly and legal way, otherwise the United States ceases to exist. We can’t successfully operate public education , or public hospitals this way.  We also need assimilation.  The media never mentions assimilation, they only use race-baiting tactics to frame the immigration issue. Later, a federal district judge denied President Trump’s appeal regarding the emoluments clause of the Constitution.  Regarding foreign dignitaries staying at Trump International Hotel wh