Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/30/18



On Tuesday’s Mark Levin show, there’s been no law passed or Supreme Court decision that conveys birthright citizenship onto illegal aliens. Paul Ryan claimed the 14th Amendment creates the birthright citizenship and that therefore an executive order by President Trump would be unconstitutional. Not until the 1960's has the Constitution been interpreted to convey birthright citizenship on the children of illegal aliens. And not due to any congressional statute or court ruling, but decisions by various departments and agencies of the federal bureaucracy. The president would not be altering the 14th amendment or the intent of the 14th amendment or the original interpretation of the 14th amendment. On the contrary, the president would be taking charge of the executive branch and upholding the 14th amendment. Conservative Review editor Daniel Horowitz calls in to explain further birthright citizenship. Later, the media continues its attacks against the president and conservatives, including Mark Levin, blaming the