Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/29/18



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Israeli Ambassador to the US, Ron Dermer calls in to discuss the horrific fatal shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA.  The media in our Country and their progressive groupthink are absolutely disgusting, pushing their agenda within hours. It's sickening that the media is blaming the mass murder of American Jews by a sub-human killer  on rhetoric instead of on the killers hateful actions. Shame on them!  For eight years the U.S. was, in effect, at war as President Obama's Administration treated Jews, the nation of Israel , and its Prime Minister with utter contempt.  The Obama Administration armed Israel's enemy with a millions in cash as part of the Iran Nuclear Deal. President Trump however, has been a friend to Israel. In fact, the sick synagogue shooter made statements that Trump was too friendly with the Jews and had too many around. Yet the media will have you believe that the 11 precious human beings that were killed because of Trump. There were 14 mass m