Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/24/18



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, The person or people who sent suspicious packages possibly containing explosives to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, CNN, Eric Holder, and George Soros need to be found as quickly as possible because the speculation isn’t stopping by the media and democrats. The media are grotesque as they lead the charge in heated and hateful rhetoric, yet they want to hold President Trump responsible for heated and hateful rhetoric. Just yesterday Trump was compared to Adolf Hitler four different times on the media; did Trump compare anyone to Hitler? Of course not! So who's really responsible for the heated and hateful rhetoric? Then, Dan Bongino calls in to discuss just how amateur this attempt bomb attempt was. The devices looked incapable of detonation and appear the work of amateurs; lacking the tactical efficiency and hallmarks of a genuine criminal mind. Later, is Jeff Zucker proud of his CNN team that compares the President to Hitler? Zucker has driven CNN into the ground and former hea