Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/1/18



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Rachel Mitchell, the Arizona prosecutor who was hired by Republicans to interview Christine Ford and Brett Kavanaugh, has released a memo highlighting the incredulity of her accusation. It’s clear that Ford's testimony lacked credibility and didn’t rise to the standard of prosecution. No jury would convict on a case like this because a case this weak would never make it into a court room. We have a justice system where the accused can question the accuser, where accusers can sue for civil liability, yet not a single criminal complaint was filed with the local police by any accuser. Now, the focus is on trying to paint Kavanaugh as a liar alleging that he perjured himself when testifying about his drinking in high school or college. Ford's testimony goes beyond memory issues, especially when she couldn't remember things that happened a month and a half earlier. Afterwards, the media gets their ideas from Karl Marx and their tactics from Saul Alinsky. But their attacks are really on