Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/27/18



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, Judge Brett Kavanaugh's opening statement was encouraging, despite how embarrassing this is to our country. Democrats have done enormous damage to the judiciary because they don't care for the Constitution; its incompatible with their progressive leftist ideology. These are the moments that separate the honorable from the dishonorable and the courageous from the cowards. You see the entire culture and society moving in one direction, and you decide no, I’m not going there. I have my principles. Moreover, Attorney Rachel Mitchell did exactly what was needed while interviewing Christine Ford on her allegations. In some cases, identifying gaps in Ford's story where she couldn't recollect how she got home from the incident in question. Ford also testified that she couldn't remember if she'd met with the Washington Post in person or by phone, just a few months prior. Most glaring were the statements under penalty of felony, from the supposed witnesses that Ford named, none corroborat