Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/24/18



On Monday’s Mark Levin show, why shouldn’t we believe Brett Kavanaugh’s denials? Why should we believe his accusers? It’s Kavanaugh who acceded to six FBI background checks. It’s Kavanaugh who had a high-profile position in the Bush White House. His accussers don’t have a single witness to any of these accusations. And only now, when he’s an inch away from being confirmed to the United States Supreme Court — when we’re 42 days away from the midterm elections — the same people who want President Trump’s head on a stake now want Kavanaugh’s head on a stake. Also, the latest accuser, Deborah Ramirez, who was recently sought after by the Democrats claims she didn't remember much, but after six days with lawyers, she's now remembering plenty. Now, Christine Ford, claims she doesn't remember much either, but is sure about Kavanaugh. However, other accusers like Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, and Juanita Broaddrick all had details and reported the assault by president Clinton soon after it happened, yet were never ta