Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/11/18



On Tuesday’s Mark Levin show, it’s very important to remember 9/11, we have teenagers who didn’t live thru this. These terrorist threats are still a danger we face - whether its Iran, Hezbollah or ISIS, they are a grave threat to us. We have the media who avoids the serious national security issues at stake by their pettiness. You wonder if they have learned anything. We need to strengthen our immigration policies and we get a fight. We need to build up the United States military and we get a fight. Also, Joe Scarborough penned an Op-Ed that was utterly detestable, suggesting that the lives lost during 9/11 do not compare to the "threat" that President Trump poses to the nation. To suggest that the almost 3,000 dead is somehow less significant than the policies of a president he doesn't agree with is outrageous. Then, Barack Obama threatened journalists with jail and secretly obtained two months of phone records from Associated Press reporters, information that could potentially disclose confidential sources.