Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/6/18



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, Mark reads from an anonymous letter sent to him by someone from the New York Times newsroom outlining their concern for the New York Times integrity as a journalistic enterprise after the publication of yesterday's anonymous op-ed. But we can’t tell you who it is. Also, writing such an op-ed lacks loyalty and makes it impossible to effectively govern as president, even with all the successes. And of course, any successes that the president has had is not due to him; it’s in spite of him. President Trump can’t win. Even when he makes decisions, they’re not really his decisions. They’re the staff’s decisions. This is a mutiny, a sabotage, a silent coup. If there are people around the president who never have a negative story written about them and they’re relatively senior, chances are they’re leakers. Now, an Op-Ed has become national news with headlines using words like "sleeper cell" in the lead. The entire thing is manufactured chaos, plain and simple. Later, the media hid FDR