Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/4/18



On Tuesday’s Mark Levin show, the Democrats were on full display trashing the Senate hearing process for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The Democrats go on and on about following judicial precedent. But if we follow judicial precedent, the Dred Scott decision would still be in place, upholding slavery. The Supreme Court has some good decisions and some bad decisions. It is the Constitution that must be complied with and yet, when you get constitutionalists, people who look at original intent, they are attacked. The Supreme Court has become so powerful, so political, so activist, so post-constitutional in many ways, that these battles take place. For the progressive statists, the Supreme Court is where the action is. Why? Because all they need is five members to dictate their agenda, and that’s exactly what’s going on. Also, the free press in the American news media is oftentimes cherry picked by some on the left, like Chuck Todd. The legitimacy of the news media is being called to scrutiny by the Amer