Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/14/18



On Tuesday’s Mark Levin show, The media is hiding behind a false crusade for freedom of the press when they’re really just using that as an excuse to generate phony controversies about President Trump. The left and the right agree that Omarosa is known to be unreliable and the media wonder why we don’t take them seriously when they push her or Stormy Daniels. Omarosa’s book is a pseudo event but its driving the news and it’s not news. The press is interested in promoting their own agenda. We need to have a debate about the media in America. Although no one is threatening the existence of our media, we must examine the role and state of the media in our republic today. Then, reporting on Washington has become ubiquitous with way too much influence. Washington Professor Michael Eric Dyson is always hustling the race issue on TV despite contributing nothing to the conversation. Yet the media continually brings him on - to be a provocateur. Why doesn't CNN bring Shelby Steel or Thomas Sowell on their programs as