Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/3/18



On Friday’s Mark Levin show, the biggest problems with communism and socialism are essentially based on class warfare. Specifically, how in the world can anyone properly define which class is supposed to rise up, subjugate the one above them, and become the new privileged class in the first place? While this problem is a significant one, it’s only the beginning their problems. Also, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez once claimed to be a student of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations and said that healthcare was the intersection of money and people. Conveniently, some of her writings from a college publication have conveniently disappeared from the college publication's website. Later, it's day four of Paul Manafort's trial. Judge T.S. Ellis reminds Robert Mueller that the government must prove that Manafort knew the requirement of reporting his status and taxes on a separate form for his work as foreign agent. Prosecutors are making their case that Manafort wears expensive clothes and had carried some debt. Ellis reminded