Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/2/18



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, The media is reporting more on themselves than on legitimate news, and then claim they are under attack. They have abandoned a pretense of seeking objectivity for progressivism, while insisting to represent a free press. They’re devouring what they self-servingly claim to defend. If the media want to be treated with respect as a profession, as a crucial part of the American culture, then they should treat the American people with respect. This isn’t even about President Trump, he fights back, he’s their latest target. This is about the media, and the disrespect they show tens of millions of Americans. The problem is that the media will not address its own unprofessionalism. Also, Democrats keep saying that Trump’s tweet telling Jeff Sessions to stop this Robert Mueller witch hunt is obstruction of justice. These democrats are sending messages to Mueller and his team encouraging him to charge Trump with obstruction. They want Mueller to know that he will have the backing of the m