Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/18/18



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, there’s no evidence that Vladimir Putin will take any action against the U.S or our allies because of the way President Trump speaks. Despite whatever was said, Russia knows that Trump would act because he has acted in the past. Mike Pompeo and John Bolton are not pushovers. These are men who are hawks and they know the cold war and are not afraid of Putin. Putin is evil just like China, North Korea, and Iran and this administration knows it. He may not give the best speech or press conference in the world but look at his policies, they are solid. No evidence that Trump does not take Russia seriously, quite the contrary. Also, some politicians and pundits on the Right have been mimicking the Left’s talking points in slamming Trump for his comments at Monday’s press conference with Putin. Conservatives should be defending this president, not in every respect but defending him where he deserves to be defended. Finally, the left wants free healthcare, free college, and now free mo