Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/13/18



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, if we want to be free we need to have a free press and a free economic system. Who is damaging freedom of the press? The media or the President? The President is not compelled to take questions from a press that is ideologically hostile to him, like CNN and Jim Acosta. CNN has an obligation to reveal itself as an outlet of the Democrat party. CNN has surrendered its news operation yet they still pretend to be one. George Bush and Ronald Reagan, were trashed by the likes of Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather, and others of the same ilk. The press has never been freer than today, that’s why we have the conga line of pundits on cable news pretending to be journalists. Then, Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russians today. This should be handled as a counterintelligence matter not a criminal matter, because we can't get our hands of these former Putin operatives. Will Mueller be indicting Barack Obama for interfering in the Israeli election? This Russian indictment is dumb, these 12 conspirators w