Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/28/18



On Thursdays Mark Levin Show, Five people were murdered and one is in custody at a deadly shooting today in Annapolis Maryland at a local newspaper office, the Capital Gazette. Former NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton blamed President Trump for the heightened political climate. There was no word from Bratton or Nicole Wallace from MSNBC when a Bernie Sanders supporter shot Rep Steve Scalise. Their hypocrisy is disgusting. Later, here’s why the left wants to pull the fire alarm: Because they cannot stop Trump’s Supreme Court nominee unless Republicans like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski help them. Senate Democrats will not support a constitutionalist nominee. They claim to stand for you, when in fact they try to confer as much power and authority as they possibly can on the Court. This is how they intend to make their gains, ultimately, in this country and they’ve been very successful. Democrats don’t believe in the Constitution, except to the extent they can advance their agenda. Finally, Deputy Attorney Gener