Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/27/18



On Wednesday’s Mark Levin show, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy has announced that he is retiring and the pseudo media is freaking out because they fear they court will move further to the right. We must not allow the left to define the terms of this debate. The media asks would you rather have a right winger or a progressivive on the court? But this is a battle between constitutionalsists and progressives or statists. Democratic politicians will demand that the prospective justice agree with their political agenda, rather than side with the text of the Constitution itself. Constitutionalists seek to have a Supreme Court that shows fidelity to the Constitution and if these justices do not show fidelity to the Constitution, then why should we show fidelity to their opinions? Afterwards, statists use the instrumentalities of our republic against us, they want to use SCOTUS to change our country and advance their utopian ideals to destroy our society. They will not surrender until the last person has lost