Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/22/18



On Friday’s Mark Levin show, In 1962, “The Image” by Daniel Boorstin introduced the notion of “pseudo-events”—events such as press conferences and presidential debates, which are manufactured solely in order to be reported. This is relevant today because we are surrounded by the pseudo-media, the pseudo-reporters and their fake news. We live in world of progressive who tells us what the news is and decides what to omit. All this week the media have been focused on a pseudo-event – the immigration debate. There are much more horrific things going on in the world than this event. But this pseudo-event serves the purpose of the media and the democrats to advance their agenda. The media have inserted ideological progressivism into their news reporting. They create their own progressive reality and they push it out as news. Then, some of the photos used in the coverage of children at the border were actually from Obama-era detention centers--not recent. But that doesn’t matter, does it? Now the media is trashing a