Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/20/18



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, In order to protect children, President Trump signed an executive order requiring illegal immigrant families to stay together despite unlawfully entering the U.S. The grotesque demagogues in the media and in the Democrat party insisted on this, but there are two problems 1) we have a court order in place saying you can't detain minors for less than 20 days and 2) this isn't enough for the left, they want open borders. The open-borders groups still won’t be satisfied and will demand that the administration effectively return to President Obama’s catch-and-release policy. This is their plot. This is the plan to eviscerate any notion of a border. The media, Hollywood, and the Democrats are all of the same mind set - they hate America. The President’s executive order will be challenged by the left, its ethnic front groups, and leftist ideologues like Jake Tapper and Rachel Maddow crying into her hands. But where were they when Barack Obama was doing the same thing? Trump and Jeff S