Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/18/18



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, The Democrats and the media want a one-party country. They don’t care about the children on the border. If they cared about the children they would’ve addressed this when Barack Obama was separating children from parents. Have you ever heard of a major political party that does not believe in securing the nation’s borders because it wants to continue to empower the party? The solution for this issue is, secure the southern border, put them on a bus and send them back home. But the media is stoking the fire, making the most outrageous statements. The media claims that they are advancing freedom of the press to promote an ideology and when the president attacks them by name, they claim he's attacking free speech. We don't need lectures from the lawless open-borders crowd on what kind of democracy we've become. Later, Dan Stein President of the Federation for American Immigration Reform calls the show to break down the facts behind the media's distortion of what's really going on at