Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/15/18



On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, It’s precious to see the Praetorian guard media trash President Trump every day when it’s the media that should be trashed. The Inspector General report exposed media outlets giving gifts to FBI agents in exchange for leaks, proving they are corrupt and do nothing to defend the freedom of the press. Meanwhile, James Comey was justifyably fired for his insubordinate, corrupt behavior, and should have been fired before Trump was elected. Also, there’s no discussion on TV that places the responsibility on the illegal alien parents, who are separated from their children while they are processed and detained. If they weren’t separated, the children would be detained in an adult facility with their parents. Illegal alien children aren’t put in dog cages; they’re housed, fed, and clothed on the taxpayer’s dime. This policy is suddenly inhumane despite existing for decades, including under the Obama administration. Later, President Trump ordered tariffs on $50 billion of particular Chines