Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/7/18



On Thursday’ Mark Levin show, NRA TV host Dan Bongino fills in for Mark. When you are invited to the White House, you go to the White House. It doesn’t matter who the President is at the time, it’s about the Office of the Presidency and you should show respect. It’s an honor to be invited to the and attempting to embarrass President Trump by having the Eagles’ mascot and a few players show up is a total disgrace. We can respect the country, and the Office of the Presidency, while strongly disagreeing on the President’s policy initiatives. Also, Robert Mueller is demanding the personal cell phones of witnesses and Sean Hannity sarcastically said if they did what Hillary Clinton did and smashed their blackberries, it wouldn’t work out well for them. And he’s smeared by media matters and they media ran with it. Hannity was pointing out the different standard used by the Obama administration when investigating Hillary. Later, Trey Gowdy said that the Russia investigation wasn’t about Trump and his campaign, but J