Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/30/18



On Wednesdays Mark Levin Show, Rep Trey Gowdy is very popular today for claiming that the FBI did the right thing by planting a spy in the Trump campaign, and we're all supposed to follow him. It’s very slippery and convenient when he says that Trump isn't the target of the Robert Mueller investigation since they haven't found anything on Trump. Why did Trump Inc. have to turn over thousands of documents if Trump wasn't the target? It’s unbelievable how easy these phony civil libertarians overlook the unmasking, spying, and concealment of this investigation from congressional oversight for over 8 months. The Left has what it wants thanks to Gowdy, another putative Republican, retiring so he’s free to, speak his mind, such as it is. Also, the media takes the word of a porn star and root for a genocidal regime hoping Trump will fail. Yet we still don't know what happened in the January 5, 2017 meeting of Obama Administration officials Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, and Susan Rice. We still don't know what Presiden