Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/29/18



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Sen. Marco Rubio and Congressman Adam Schiff tell ABC News that informants are not spies and there’s no evidence to support that the FBI spied on President Trump. Schiff sat there doing the work of the Russians while obstructing Congressmen Devin Nunes, Ron DeSantis, and others from looking into Russian interference. The real road to colluding with the Russians does not lead to the Trump campaign, it leads to the federal government under Barack Obama. Democrats interfered in a huge way through the FBI, CIA, DNI, and others. The Democrats and media are in lockstep trying to discredit Trump on the Sunday shows echoing that he is a liar and a conspiracy theorist. Meanwhile, Ted Kennedy colluded and conspired with the Kremlin to defeat Reagan. Where's Bob Mueller when you need him? After, President Johnson used the federal government to spy on Barry Goldwater's campaign but the media then, and now, are silent on this. Also, what Roseanne Barr tweeted was disgusting, but are we suppos