Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/25/18



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, We honor the fallen men and women who fought for our principles this Memorial Day. Those that fought for our Declaration of Independence and for our Constitution. Yet we have a progressive movement that rejects all of it, natural law and unalienable rights from our Creator. Our first amendment ,religious liberties, freedom of speech, freedom association, and press. So what is meant by freedom of the press and what is its purpose? Is it to challenge public officials, protect the republic, or objectively report what they loosely call news? What if the press is contributing to the deterioration of liberty or the deterioration of a constitutional republic and the institutions that undergird it? You can’t possibly watch Jake Tapper, Don Lemon, Wolf Blitzer or Brian Stelter or virtually all of the hosts on CNN and draw the conclusion that these individuals have, as their purpose, to inform us as opposed to lecture us. Today's media has become a power unto itself, not offering much in th