Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/10/18



On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, The greatest threat to America today isn’t a foreign power, but the rot from within promoted by the Democrat party. Our institutions are being attacked every day and in every way, and we see it especially when it comes to immigration. Sanctuary policies started under President Obama, and today 49% of the population is living under sanctuary policies. We’ve completely lost control of our immigration system and borders because Democrats insist on changing the population and having open borders. The Democrat agenda is enshrined as America’s agenda whether we vote for it or not because they use judges and unelected officials at the federal, state, and local level to force their policies. Also, Michael Avenatti is all over TV but nobody wants to know anything about him, yet they want to know everything about President Trump and Michael Cohen. Stormy Daniels has said she’s not paying Avenatti, so who’s paying him? CNN and MSNBC are corporations seeking ratings so they’re not intereste