Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 04/30/18



On Monday’s Mark Levin show, Iran has always denied that they had a nuclear weapons project, but now Israel has found tens of thousands of pages of evidence that says otherwise. How in the world could any American president cut a deal like the Iran one? Barack Obama didn’t just appease them, he provided them the money to get their nuclear weapons and his people today are running around saying the fact that Iran lied about what it was doing is more reason we need the deal - that’s completely llogical. From domestic surveillance to the unmasking of American citizens to this Iran deal, the Obama administration has to be the worst administration in American history.  Israel's Ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, calls is to discuss the new findings from Israel, which was not just a smoking gun, but it was a smoking bomb. This Iran deal brought war much closer for Israel and their allies in the region. Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell is like a mob boss, why does the Republicans keep electing him as Senate major