Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 04/26/18



On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, AG Jeff Sessions is raising concerns over Roberts Mueller’s investigation and at the same time the Senate Judicary Committee approved a bill to protect Mueller.  Congress has no power to stop a President from firing a special councel and President Trump would do enormous damage to the Presidency and future Presidents if he signed that bill.  Also, China is now busting low level offenders wiith a social credit system where people’s behavior is rated. If your score is too low you might not be able to get a loan or a plane ticket. This social credit system will most likely come to the U.S in 20-30 years with a name such as fairness and justice, which will be for the good of the people.  Later, the state of Florda  is saying to towns you can’t take private beaches and let the public go on it without a court ruling, which is correct.  This is your quintessential confrontation betweeen property rights and government authority. If people want to go to a beach – go to a public one!  Fin