Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/3/18



On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, A woman walked into YouTube headquarters and shot four people and before we even knew any details the gun control crowd was already up in arms. The irresponsibility and ignorance of the media and the left is par for the course in this country. The undermining of our values, beliefs, and the tearing of the fabric of society comes from progressives. Also, President Trump is absolutely on constitutional and legal ground to deploy the military along the southern border to back up border patrol agents. Meanwhile we have a people trying to destroy our country from within, pushing an anti-American agenda. We can’t even agree to secure the border, report criminal illegal aliens to ICE, or that non-citizens shouldn’t be able to vote. The Democrat party and the media are in the tank for the progressive movement. Later, Trump continuing to attack Amazon and drive down their stock price is outrageous. We can’t have a president deciding winners and losers in a free market economy. Trump doesn