Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/2/18



On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, a caravan of potentially dangerous illegal immigrants is headed from Honduras to the United States, and if they make it here they will be caught, given a court date, and released because that’s the law right now – you get in and you get to stay. President Trump is called anti-immigrant and a racist for wanting to secure the border, yet his position is exactly the same as Cesar Chavez, Harry Reid, and Hillary Clinton from the past. Democrats have pivoted radically as they’ve created enclaves of sanctuary cities and states, defying Federal law in favor of the illegal alien over the American citizen. Trump’s position on immigration and securing the border is the most historically consistent position, not the relatively new idea of open borders. The purpose of immigration today is to empower the Democrat party, and anyone who opposes their vision of open borders is called a racist, a xenophobe, and told there’s something wrong with them. Also, Hamas attacked Israel over the weekend by