Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/30/18



On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Dan Bongino, Contributing Editor at Conservative Review and NRATV, fills in for Mark. Robert Mueller’s special council is a clown show and a smokescreen, and he’s the perfect guy to run this scam investigation. The FISA court is a serious thing; so serious that the FBI and Department of Justice have procedures to vet and verify information before it’s even brought into the FISA court. Mueller has a conflict of interest because he knows the people responsible for vetting the info that was used to spy on the Trump campaign and launch this phony special council into Russian collusion. Also, people are upset with Jeff Sessions saying he isn’t going to appoint a second special counsel now, but he didn’t say it would never happen. Just because there isn’t a second special counsel doesn’t mean there isn’t a criminal investigation going on behind the scenes. If Sessions were to appoint a second special counsel, it would reset the clock on an investigation already going on. Learn more abou