Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/28/18



On Wednesday’s Mark Levin show, Rod Rosenstein is not the Attorney General. Rosenstein is the deputy Attorney General and the acting Attorney General on matters related to Russia when Jeff Sessions recused himself. Paul Manafort’s legal team raised the point that Rosenstein doesn’t have the authority to direct and supervise Robert Mueller for purposes unrelated to Russia. Manafort was indicted on matters that had nothing to do with Russia which makes it unconstitutional. Also, media hacks like Joe Scarborough and Bret Stephens have half-baked positions on gun rights and the Constitution. Their default position is that the constitution and the bill of rights are a relic and their real intention is to repeal the 2nd amendment. Finally, since when did citizenship become a controversy? A census asks every question imaginable but you can’t ask if you’re a U.S. citizen? How does asking if you’re a citizen violate the constitution, as Xavier Becerra and Richard Blumenthal claim? It doesn’t. So now according to the D