Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/23/18



On Friday’s Mark Levin show, We’ve now reached a point of no return with this omnibus spending bill. Neither political party is willing or capable of reversing course and slowing the growth of government. President Trump was set up with this bill and he took the bait. Trump should have spoke to the American people and said I wont be blackmailed by the Democrats. With this budget deal Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell just gave Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi the tool to remove Trump. Most lawmaking doesn’t occur in Congress, but rather in back rooms by a handful of people. America isn’t a representative republic anymore; it’s a soft tyranny. Also, Andrew McCabe wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post acting like a victim, insinuating it was Trump that got him fired when in reality he got himself fired. McCabe was the fool that threw away 22 years of service by authorizing leaks and lying about it. We know he’s guilty from his op-ed, attacking Trump and playing to the media while never discussing any leaking. Finally